Information about community resources including referral resources for children with disabilities and special health care needs is kept current and available to families and staff.
These resources are updated regularly.There are many community organizations that focus on the needs of the community.
With the help of the Early Childhood community, our staff and our families we have identified county assets that will be beneficial to families.
Did you know your child age birth to 21 may be eligible for screening and evaluation if you feel your child may have a disability or delay?
Birth to 3 - The process of locating, identifying, and evaluating infants and toddlers ages birth to 3 is the responsibility of the Infants and Toddlers program in each Maryland jurisdiction. Infants and toddlers with delays or disabilities may be eligible for early intervention services, which are designed to enhance a child’s potential for growth and development and promote the ability of families to meet the special needs of their children.
Frederick County Main: (301) 694-1611
Maryland State Infant and Toddler Program Phone: (800) 535-0182
Children and Students 3 to 21 - The process of locating, identifying, and evaluating children and students ages 3 to 21 is the responsibility of the local school system in each Maryland jurisdiction. Children with disabilities in this age range may be eligible for special education and related services, (for example, speech therapy, physical therapy, or occupational therapy).
Frederick County
Dede Bowman, Frederick County Public Schools
7630 Hayward Road Frederick MD 21702
Main: (301) 644-5292 Fax: (301) 698-2736
Division of Special Education/Early Intervention Services Maryland State Department of Education
Marjorie Shulbank 200 W. Baltimore Street, Baltimore, MD 21201 (Main) (410) 767-0261
Early Head Start National Resource Center (202) 638-1429 EHSNRC provides Early Head Start programs with information and training as well resources for parents.
Head Start: (202) 205-8572 Head Start provides information about both the Head Start and Early Head Start programs throughout the country. It also provides information regarding local providers, legislation issues, head start policies and statistical information
Zero to Three (202) 638-1144 Zero to three is a national organization whose goal is to provide families, providers and communities with support and to promote the healthy development of babies and toddlers. They provide information, resources, and publications for both parents and providers.
Frederick County Public Schools
The Earth and Space Science Lab
Frederick County Public School's State of the Art STEM Center!
This facility serves to enrich and extend mostly the elementary science curriculum, it may also be used, upon request, for the middle and high school's science curriculums. More than 17,000 students and 650 teachers participate in various earth science program offerings each year.
The Ausherman Planetarium is located at the ESSL. It has a 35’ dome that houses a Goto, Chronos Hybrid planetarium system. This planetarium system, installed in 2009, has a mechanical system that realistically models the night sky and a digital system that projects movies 360 degrees. This dome facility, the first of its kind installed in a public school system in the U.S.A., also has 90 planetarium seats and a 5:1 surround sound system. This “immersion theatre” experience is used to enhance and enrich a wide range of curriculum wants and needs.
Frederick County Public Libraries
After-School Activities web application provides on-line access for parents and children who are searching for information about after-school activities and programs of all kinds. The After-School database contains information on after-school programs, including all regulated after-school programs in the state of Maryland. The web application is searchable by county and by school or town within counties. The database contains information on cost, hours of operation, location, program description and more. Only programs that are monitored or regulated are included in the search for after-school activities.
Healthy Families Frederick (HFF) is a program designed to support first-time parents through the provision of quality, strength-based, family-centered services and support, and access to community resources and agencies to help build stronger families, healthier children and a better community.
To receive HFF services one must live in Frederick County and be a first-time parent who is pregnant or has a child who is less than three months old. Families can participate until their child reaches the age of five or starts kindergarten.
HFF services are individualized based on the needs of the family and may include assessment, referrals to community agencies, and home visiting services.Families enrolled in the home visiting program are assigned a family support worker who meets regularly with participants in their own home. During home visits, participants receive support and information related to:
Healthy child development
Positive parenting
Strengthening family life
Parent-child bonding and communication
Well-baby medical care and immunizations
Other community resources to assist participants with their family’s needs
Healthy Families Frederick services are voluntary and free of charge. We want to work with our participants to support strong and healthy families.
For more information about Healthy Families, call 301-663-6183, email us, ordownload our most recent annual report. You will need Adobe Reader to access the report.
Maryland State Department of Education
Family Partnership of Frederick County
A community-based organization that provides family support and assistance to parents and their children to help them become self-sufficient. Offers parent education including GED prep, child development, service coordination, home visits, youth services, health education, and peer support.
8420 Gas House Pike, Ste. EE
Frederick, Maryland 21701
Provides low-income families with children from 3-4 years of age a comprehensive preschool program. Also offers parent education and special services for children with physical or developmental disabilities.
401 Sagner Ave
Frederick, Maryland 21701
Frederick County Public Schools-Dept. of Special Education
Provides specially designed instructions, at no cost to the parents, to meet the unique needs of a child with a disability, including instruction conducted in the classroom, in the home, or in hospitals. Includes related services needed to complete the child’s individualized program and can include speech/language pathology services, occupational therapy, physical therapy, career and technology education.
FCPS Partners for Success
Partners for Success is a resource center that provides families, professionals, and the community with information, training, and support. The purpose of these centers is to provide the skills and knowledge that will enable families of children with disabilities, ages 3 to 21, and professionals to function as equal partners in the educational making process and to assist families in accessing services for their children. Seminars and workshops are held and there is a lending resource library.
191 Waverley Drive
Frederick, Maryland 21702
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) of Frederick County
Provides public education classes presented by experts in the mental health field and classes such as “Education Support: NAMI Basics”, and “Family to Family”.
24-Hour Service Hotlines
Youth Crises (any)… MD Youth Crisis Hotline 1-800-422-0009
Mental Health… Crisis Response System 410-931-2214 OR Grassroots Crisis Intervention Center 1-410-531-6677
Social Services/Family Services DSS (Department of Social Services) or Child Abuse/Financial Assistance … 410-853-3000
Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence… Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault 410-828-6390 or Family Crisis Center of Baltimore County 410-285-7496 or Turnaround 410-377-8111
Parenting Skills/Abuse Prevention… Family Tree Parenting Help Line 1-800-243-7337
Any Health & Human Service Topic… (information and referral only) 211 Maryland (United Way) 410-685-0525