In many cases, before and after care can be arranged in advance and worked out directly with the Director.
This is only an option when planned and approved during the contract/registration period or with at least two weeks notice.
You must register in advance for Before/After care. The monthly fee will be added to your tuition. You will be invoiced for before/after care with tuition each month. As it states in handbook, there is no reduction of fee for before/after care not used. There is no reduction of Before/after care fees for snow days or other closed days of school.
If a school day is an early dismissal day and end at 1:00pm, the “after care” fee includes coverage until 4:30 pm for those days. If school starts late because of inclement weather, “before care” will start two hours late at 9:30am. If school is closed due to inclement weather, there will be NO before or after care.
Before and after care is very LIMITED!
The before and after care fees are in addition to the monthly tuition.
7:30am - 3:00pm
Two days a week: $80/month
Three days a week: $120/month
Four days a week: $160/month
Five days a week: $200/month
9:00am – 4:30pm
Two days a week: $80/month
Three days a week: $120/month
Four days a week: $160/month
Five days a week: $200/month
7:30am - 4:30pm
Two days a week: $160/month
Three days a week: $240/month
Four days a week: $320/month
Five days a week: $400/month