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In addition to the Developmental Screening, teachers assess and document children’s learning by observing them during exploratory play, small group activities, large group interactions and throughout the entire day using a variety of methods (anecdotal notes, photographs, running records, work samples, and developmental checklists).Teachers use the assessment information to plan learning activities and to share information with parents informally and at formal conferences.


We have adopted the Teaching Strategies tool for the assessment and documentation process. This assessment tool provides us with developmental checklists.  The results of the checklists (identifying the student’s needs) and the observations help us better plan our instruction and share feedback. The checklists are aligned to the Creative Curriculum materials.


We also keep a portfolio for each child. At Smarty Pants we call this portfolio a “Data Notebook” you will receive it at the end of the year to keep and several times throughout the year to monitor progress.  All assessment materials are saved in the “Data Notebook.” 


Planning for individual children is based on observation and assessment, child learning and developmental goals, and overall classroom goals. 

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